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Interference from the Jedi Order, so suddenly abandoned by the Jedi group, interrupted this plan of action. Jedi Masters Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker and Saba Sebatyne, along with Han and Leia Organa Solo, arrived in the Gyuel system to investigate the activities of Rar and the other missing Jedi Knights. Rar and her companions awaited the Jedi Masters in the same hangar in which they remained while the StealthXs were refueled and rearmed. Once the Solos and the senior Jedi arrived and greetings had been exchanged, Mara Jade Skywalker confronted the Jedi group on their dereliction of duty. Rar contended that she and her fellow Jedi were trying to put an end to hostilities between the Chiss and the Killiks. In an attempt to prove the justification behind their actions, the Jedi group showed their critics the Killik infirmary and nursery, while Rar bitterly denounced Chiss aggression.[8]

Soon, she detected another presence, that of Zekk, who was moving through the nearby lobby. Rar singled him out as a target of opportunity, readying her blowgun, only to discover Jedi Master Corran Horn standing behind her. Horn demanded Rar's surrender, and merely plucked her dart from the air when she fired upon him. The two ignited their lightsabers, and the denizens of the lobby applauded, expecting a mock-duel. As Zekk closed in, Rar hurled her lightsaber at a chandelier, forcing Zekk and Horn to save numerous patrons from being crushed. The Twi'lek made her escape, only to be confronted by Organa Solo in a long corridor, with Jaina Solo closing in behind. Panicked, and abandoning her quest to kill Han Solo in front of his wife, Rar fired her blowgun at Organa Solo, only to have the dart Force-pushed back into her mouth with near-fatal consequences. The trapped Twi'lek fled, making her way to a cargo bay, where she was shot in the left clavicle by Jagged Fel. In great pain, the Twi'lek hurled her former squadron-mate into a stack of cargo crates and rushed into the hangar bay. Desperately searching for a ship, Rar boarded the Duracrud, to which she knew the codes. Galactic Alliance regulations enabled the vessel's departure despite Terrik's best efforts, as it was technically assigned to the military. In the YV-666, Rar fled the scene of her latest conflict.[28]

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While Rar carried out Lumiya's orders, events moved rapidly over the next days. Before long, Jacen Solo ousted Cal Omas as Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance and ascended to the position alongside Cha Niathal. Ben Skywalker assassinated Five Worlds Head of State Dur Gejjen on Solo's orders, and Mara Jade Skywalker swore a vendetta against her nephew for his actions. In the Hapes Cluster, Solo, Lumiya, and Jade Skywalker, with Ben Skywalker close behind, entered into a brief engagement. Solo dueled his aunt on Kavan and killed her, while Ben Skywalker forced Lumiya down to the planet's surface. Both Solo and Lumiya escaped the scene, and the Sith Lady subsequently announced herself as Jade Skywalker's killer. Rar's ally waited for a vengeful Luke Skywalker at Terephon, a nearby world, and it was on Terephon that Skywalker killed Lumiya. When it came to light that it could not have been Lumiya who killed Jade Skywalker the Jedi Order searched for another suspect.[10]

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