Last fortnight, the 93-year-old actor received India's highest film honour, the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, a recognition that perhaps comes too late. Pran had a successful career spanning over six decades, and his contribution to Hindi cinema extends beyond his role as an actor. Zanjeer would not have been made had it not been for Pran, says screenwriter Salim Khan who co-wrote the film with Javed Akhtar. "Prakash Mehra had signed on Pransaab for the role of Sher Khan but he didn't have a hero. Pransaab set up a meeting between Prakash and Dev Anand after Raj Kumar and Dharmendra refused the role. When Devsaab also turned the film down, it was Pran who suggested that Bachchan play the part," Khan says.
Beyond Honour Hindi Movie
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